Are you ready to pass your exam?
With our help, you can and you will.
Ingrid Soto, MS, RD
As the CEO and founder of MyRDguide, my greatest passion is to help other students PASS the RD exam. I was once in your shoes. We always say: You CAN, and you WILL because it is not IF you pass the RD/DTR exam, but WHEN you pass, you WILL PASS this exam!
“Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”
- Anthony Robbins
Chef Angela Torres RDN, LDN, MB-EAT-P
Spanish and English Tutor
Meghry Achekian, MS, RDN
English Tutor
Lcda. Saimy Rivera, RDN, LDN
Spanish Tutor
Diala Rafidi, RDN
English Tutor
Dr. Mike Corvino, PharmMD
Aline Kassahara, RD
Portuguese Tutor
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